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Straight from the top, PIME

In our shared responsibility to meet the Sustainable Development Goals and bring the world affordable energy, we must leave no stone unturned to streamline processes and find the best solutions for climate neutrality. This is a self-evident business strategy, as energy efficiency usually means lower costs.

让我们看看IQIP PIME(桩倾斜测量设备)如何在整个过程中通过精确测量超越竞争对手,从而节省时间、金钱和精力。
Let’s see how IQIP’s PIME (PILE Inclination Measurement Equipment), outperforms the competition with exact measurements all through the procedure – saving time, money, and energy.

Innovating the industry

With years of experience and world-leading installation experts, IQIP is constantly developing new technology to increase efficiency and reduce risks for the offshore industry. One challenge has been implementing a reliable and convenient measuring method that ensures a vertical installation. This is imperative for the turbine’s construction and performance, and increasingly important as humanity’s concern for the climate calls for bigger and bigger wind turbines.


当倾角公差低至0.05 度时,所面临的挑战就不仅仅是让桩垂直了--对精度的要求使得整个过程变得复杂而敏感。如果操作员太迟意识到桩没有竖直,可能会面临使用耗时的方法进行补救的艰巨任务,而这显然是他希望避免的。此外,不知道安装是否会根据计划进行也是项目管理人员非常头疼的问题,因为不确定性会影响物流、预算和交付方面的决策能力。
When the inclination tolerance is as low as 0.05 degrees, the challenge is not just to get pile vertical – the need for precision makes the whole procedure complicated and sensitive. An operator who realizes too late that the pile is not upright may face arduous shimming with wedges or other time-consuming methods, which he obviously would want to avoid. Furthermore, not knowing that the installation will proceed according to schedule is a real headache for project management as the uncertainty would affect the ability to make decisions on logistics, budget, and delivery.

的确,有许多方法可以测量桩的垂直度,但只有一种系统可以在将桩导向指定位置时进行测量。这种系统被称为PIME,是 IQIP 的工程师在大约十年前引入的。
It is true that many methods can measure a pile’s verticality, but only one system can do it while the pile is steered into its designated position. That system is called PIME, and it was introduced by IQIP’s engineers about ten years ago.

Faster, easier, and safer

由于风机有多个相互连接的部分,因此需要确保顶部部分完全水平。单纯参照水位无法做到这一点,但PIME 可以。基于传感器的系统可测量套筒内部,并利用两侧的测量顶针计算角度。
Because a wind turbine has several interconnected sections, you need to ensure that the top section is fully horizontal. This is something which water levels can’t do, but PIME can. The sensor-based system measures inside the sleeve and uses measuring pins at the sides to calculate the angle.

操作员可以在电脑屏幕上看到实时和完美的测量结果,因此可以立即进行调整,而无需举起打桩锤或进入桩基进行人工测量。及早获得信息是一个相当大的优势,因为一旦深度达到10 米,再进行微小的调整就为时已晚。此外,从一开始就获得正确的信息意味着可以减少锤击次数,而在安装了上百个风车的大型设备中,能源成本将很快累积到一个可观的数字,就像二氧化碳排放量一样。
The operator gets live and perfect measurements on his computer screen, so he can make immediate adjustments – no need to lift the hammer or access the pile for manual measuring. Early information is a considerable advantage because it is too late for minor adjustments once you have reached a depth of ten meters. Moreover, getting it right from the start means you reduce the number of hammer blows, and in extensive installations with a hundred windmills, that energy cost will quickly accumulate to a substantial figure, just like the CO2 emissions.

PIME 为整个企业带来了诸多益处。“过去需要十多个小时才能完成的程序,现在只需两个小时就能完成。我们还可以看到,燃料消耗比以前更低,而且我们安装单桩所需的人员和设备也更少"
PIME resulted in several benefits for the entire enterprise. “A procedure that used to take over ten hours is now completed in just two hours. We can also see that fuel consumption is lower than before, and we need less staff and gear to install a monopile.”

Developed to perfection with customers

十年前,当IQIP 推出第一版PIME 时,这仅仅是持续开发工作的开始。随着数据的收集和客户意见的采纳,PIME已成为一种多维测量系统,可用于快速、安全和节能的安装,满足市场不断变化的需求。
When IQIP introduced the first version of PIME ten years ago, it was only the beginning of continuing development work. With data collection and customer input, PIME has become a multi-dimensional measuring system for fast, safe, and energy-efficient installations that meets the market’s shifting demands.

“The offshore industry is constantly moving forward, and a particular technology becomes interesting when we see how it facilitates and merges with new trends. For instance, bolted flange connections have become a popular alternative to grouted connections – a change supported by PIME and yet another CO2saving because you get less overlap and concrete is a very CO2-intensive product.”

Another improvement is using two sensors instead of one, as the system becomes self-controlling and provides the operator with completely reliable data during the ongoing installation.

目前,PIME 已安装了数百根单桩,IQIP认为,PIME 每次都能实现垂直安装,为客户提供了安全、经济的解决方案,最终降低了二氧化碳排放量。
Now that hundreds of monopiles have been installed, IQIP concludes that PIME has delivered a vertical installation every time and offered customers a safe and economical solution – ultimately bringing down CO2 emissions.

展望未来,IQIP认为 PIME 在各个领域都有很多机会。例如,该系统是为大型套筒开发的,但现在可适用于任何尺寸和水下安装。
Going forward, IQIP sees many opportunities for PIME in various areas. For example, the system was developed for the larger sleeves but is now adaptable for any size and underwater installations.

Benefits at a glance

  • 即时测量使操作员能够在打桩过程中对准单桩

  • Instant measuring allows the operator to align the monopile during driving

  • 由于无需工作人员进入桩身,因此可将风险降至最低

  • Minimises risk because there is no need for staff to access the pile

  • 通过更有效的程序节省能源

  • Saves energy through a more effective procedure

  • 一个集成系统取代外部设备

  • One integrated system replaces external equipment

  • 大大节省时间

  • Significant time savings

  • 系统的可靠性有助于项目规划

  • The system’s reliability helps project planning

  • 适用于所有打桩应用,甚至是水下应用

  • Usable for all piling applications, even underwater

  • 经过完善的测试和开发

  • Tested and developed to perfection


PIME 在安装过程中进行测量,而不是在事后才进行测量。
PIME measures during the installation, not afterward when it’s too late.

IQIP Will be joining the CWP this week in Beijing at International Exhibition Center Shunyi Branch. Please reach out to us to discuss PIME, upcoming projects, and availability of our hammers for next year    with our sales manager Yingda Huang on the site. We will be there Wednesday and Thursday.

IQIP Shanghai Co., Ltd
电话:M (CN) + 86 130 1286 2116
地址:上海市南京西路128 永新广场1202
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